Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What U eat REFLECTS ur skin...

Load up on antioxidants
When you are not getting enough antioxidants in ur diet, free radicals go unchecked & this can cause damage to many cells in ur body, leading to premature ageing and degenerative diseases.

Berry Goodness!
In a major study on fruit & vegetable antioxidant content published in the June 9, 2004 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, it was found that berries rank HIGHEST in antioxidant content. Not only aer they delicious, best of all, berries deliver super-healthy antioxidants that help fight disease. Just one cup of berries provides all the disease-fighting antioxidants you need in a single day. Remember, antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals in your body, hence slowing down the premature ageing process. You're doing your skin a huge favor when you load up on antioxidants...

Collagen - more than a beauty supplement
The body of a new born baby is rich in collagen, but as we age from about 25onwards, our ability to reproduce collagen diminishes and then by about 35 stops altogether, and the ageing process is in full swing - skin starts to sag, loose its tone and lacks lustre.

However, the effects of ageing can be reduced or at least delayed with a supplement of Collagen. With the consumption of high quality collagen, positive results can be seen in just 14 days!!!

and guys,

BeRRy Gen is a natural and potent blend of collagen and extract of multi-berries with added amino acids that promotes beauty through good health.

Just ONE sachet a day contains ALL of nature's essentials to renew, rejuvenate and protect.

Join as member to enjoy MORE discounts on this product. Email me at for more details.

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