Sunday, January 19, 2014

Organic Lacto Fibre

Enriched with 59 other nutrient-rich ingredients,
NaturCare™ Organic Lacto-Fiber™ helps restores healthy body function, empowering you with more energy to live a fuller life!
An Organic, whole-food Fiber Meal
Provides 4g of complete fiber together with vitamins, minerals and natural enzymes; similar to normal food intake in just 1 serving!
All-natural and Effective Inner Cleanse
Complete fiber (insoluble and soluble) promotes healthy digestive system, normalizes cholesterol and fat; with added Milk Thistle to protect liver
Restores and Rejuvenates Bodily Function
Improves energy level, general well-being and restores healthy, radiant skin
Strengthen the Immune System
Enriched with pre- and probiotics, fruit enzymes to strengthen our defence

What is Fiber?
Fiber is part of plant food that our bodies cannot fully digest nor our digestive tract can absorb.
Examples are whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.
What does Fiber do?
Fiber activates the detoxification process to rid our body of toxin, strengthens our inner
health and improves energy levels1,2
. Ultimately we will feel good on the inside and look great on
the outside!
1. Improves bowel regularity and gut health
2. Maintains healthy cholesterol, blood pressure and prevent chronic diseases
3. Maintains healthy blood sugar
4. Increases fullness hence aids in weight loss
5. Promotes clear, radiant skin
Insufficient intake of fiber can make us feel lethargic and unwell with the accumulation of waste and
toxin in our body.

How to increase your fiber intake?
Eat more whole fruits with the skin on instead of drinking fruit juices.
Start the day with a bowl of bran or other high-fiber cereals that contain at least 5gm of fiber per
Snack on raw vegetables.
Add legumes, seeds and nuts into soups, salads and stews instead of meat.
Eat a vegetarian meal at least once a week.
Taking a fiber supplement is an easy way to fill your fiber gap!

1 comment:

Vincenzo Centeno said...

Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on good bacteria in stomach